

The Meredith Mississippi March-June 1966 James Meredith March Button

Browse photos of the 1966 Meredith March. Read other partipants' accounts of the Meredith March.

The Meredith Mississippi March took its name from James Meredith, who became the first black student to attend the University of Mississippi in 1962, after a ruling by federal courts that he could not be denied admission. On June 5, 1966, Meredith, now a Columbia University law student, and a few companions, began a walk from Memphis, Tenn. to Jackson, Miss. to encourage African Americans to register and vote. He called it a "march against fear." On June 6 he was wounded with a shotgun blast.
The next day, leaders of the major civil rights organizations, Dr. Martin Luther King of the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), Floyd McKissick of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) and Stokely Carmichael of SNCC (Student Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee), announced that they would resume his march, and invited freedom-loving people from all over the country to join them.
For almost three weeks, between a couple hundred and a couple thousand people walked the 220 miles to the state capitol, camping out at night under rented circus tents. Local people fed the marchers on the way. After asking that federal registrars be sent to Mississippi, civil rights leaders took groups of marchers to nearby towns to canvass, rally and bring local African Americans to be registered. The Dept. of Justice later estimated that between 2,500 and 3,000 black Mississippians were registered to vote during the march.
Well guarded by the Mississippi Highway Patrol, the marchers were not attacked on their main route, but some were assaulted on the side trips.
The March concluded on June 26 with a rally of 15,000 people in Jackson, while over a thousand officers in the Mississippi Highway Patrol, National Guard, and local law enforcement agencies guarded the capital building.

Another participant in the Meredith March remembers

Photos of The Meredith Mississippi March by Jo Freeman



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Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda
Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda

Marchers line up to resume walking after a lunchbreak.



As the day ends, marchers leave the highway to go to their campgrounds for the evening.


Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda

Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda

Almost every Mississippi town has a Confederate monument, usually in the town square. When marchers gathered around this momument in Grenada one stuck an American flag into the medallion portraying Jefferson Davis. It was removed by locals after the marchers left. Bob Green of SCLC is speaking, while Big Lester eyes the crowd.




Another county seat, another Civil War monument, another rally. Hosea Williams, director of Southern projects for SCLC, addresses the crowd. Floyd McKissick of CORE stands behind him.

Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda

Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda

Irritated by the marchers takeover of the local Civil War monuments, Mississippi officials surrounded this one with prisoners from Parchman Penitentiary. The rally in this town was held on the courthouse steps.



March participants watch a rally on the courthouse steps.


Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda

Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda

One young man remembers Jimmy Lee Jackson, who was killed in February 1965 in Alabama while demonstrating for voter registration.




During the March, local Mississippians registered to vote for the first time.




Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda   Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda


Representatives of Health and Hospital workers, Local 1199, New York City.



Waiting for something to happen.


Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda  




Some good ole boys give their opinion of the marchers.

Meredith August 29 March against the Bush Agenda  

Dr. King speaks to the marchers under the circus tent.



The marchers arrive in Jackson, Mississippi for the last rally of the march.



The Mississippi Highway Patrol keeps the marchers away from the Capitol building in Jackson.


James Meredith addresses the rally in Jackson, Mississippi.



Shoes that marched through Mississippi


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